See the component lifecycle for more information about each status.
Component | Status | Description |
ActionList | Beta | An ActionList is a list of items that can be activated or selected. ActionList is the base component for many menu-type components, including ActionMenu and SelectPanel. |
ActionList (legacy) | Deprecated | |
ActionMenu | Beta | An ActionMenu is an ActionList-based component for creating a menu of actions that expands through a trigger button. |
ActionMenu (legacy) | Deprecated | |
AnchoredOverlay | Alpha | |
Autocomplete | Alpha | Used to render a text input that allows a user to quickly filter through a list of options to pick one or more values. |
Avatar | Alpha | Use avatars to represent users or organizations. |
AvatarPair | Alpha | |
AvatarStack | Alpha | Use an avatar stack to display two or more avatars in an inline stack. |
BorderBox | Deprecated | |
Box | Beta | A low-level utility component that accepts styled system props to enable custom theme-aware styling |
BranchName | Alpha | |
Breadcrumbs | Alpha | Use breadcrumbs to show navigational context on pages that are many levels deep in a site’s hierarchy. Breadcrumbs show and link to parent, grandparent, and sometimes great-grandparent pages. |
Button | Alpha | Use button for the main actions on a page or form. |
Button (legacy) | deprecated | |
ButtonGroup | Alpha | |
Checkbox | Alpha | Use checkboxes to toggle between checked and unchecked states in a list or as a standalone form field |
CheckboxGroup | Alpha | Renders a set of checkboxes to let users make one or more selections from a short list of options |
ChoiceFieldset | Deprecated | |
ChoiceInputField | Deprecated | The ChoiceInputField component is used to render a labelled checkbox or radio inputs with optional hint text. |
CircleBadge | Alpha | |
CircleOcticon | Alpha | |
CounterLabel | Alpha | Use the CounterLabel component to add a count to navigational elements and buttons. |
Details | Alpha | |
Dialog | Alpha | |
Dialog v2 | Draft | |
Dropdown | Deprecated | |
DropdownMenu | Deprecated | |
FilteredSearch | Alpha | |
FilterList | Alpha | |
Flash | Alpha | |
Flex | Deprecated | |
FormControl | Alpha | Renders a labelled input and, optionally, associated validation text and/or hint text. |
FormGroup | Deprecated | |
Grid | Deprecated | |
Header | Alpha | Use the Header component to create a header that has all of its items aligned vertically with consistent horizontal spacing |
Heading | Alpha | Use Heading to structure your content and provide an accessible experience for users of assistive technologies. |
IconButton | Alpha | An accessible button component with no text and only icon. |
InlineAutocomplete | Draft | Provides inline auto completion suggestions for an input or textarea. |
InputField | Deprecated | The InputField component is used to render a labelled text input and, optionally, associated validation text and hint text. |
Label | Alpha | Use Label components to add contextual metadata to a design. |
Label (legacy) | Deprecated | Use Label components to add contextual metadata to a design. |
LabelGroup | Alpha | Use LabelGroup components to add commonly used margins and other layout constraints to groups of Labels |
Link | Alpha | |
MarkdownEditor | Draft | Full-featured Markdown input. |
MarkdownViewer | Draft | Displays rendered Markdown and facilitates interaction. |
NavList | Alpha | Use a nav list to render a vertical list of navigation links. |
Overlay | Alpha | Use Overlay to provide a flexible floating surface for displaying transient content such as menus, selection options, dialogs, and more. |
Pagehead | Alpha | Use Pagehead to provide a clear, separated page title. |
PageLayout | Alpha | |
Pagination | Alpha | Use Pagination to display a sequence of links that allow navigation to discrete, related pages. |
PointerBox | Alpha | A customisable, bordered Box with a caret pointer |
Popover | Alpha | Use Popovers to bring attention to specific user interface elements and suggest an action or to guide users through a new experience |
Portal | Alpha | Portals allow you to create a separation between the logical React component hierarchy and the physical DOM. |
Position | Deprecated | |
ProgressBar | Alpha | Use progress bars to visualize task completion. |
Radio | Alpha | Use radios when a user needs to select one option from a list |
RadioGroup | Alpha | Renders a set of radio inputs to let users make a single selection from a short list of options |
SegmentedControl | Draft | Use a segmented control to let users select an option from a short list and immediately apply the selection |
Select | Alpha | Use a select input when a user needs to select one option from a long list |
SelectMenu | Deprecated | |
SelectPanel | Alpha | |
SideNav | Deprecated | |
Spinner | Alpha | Use spinners to let users know that content is being loaded. |
SplitPageLayout | Draft | Provides structure for a split page layout, including independent scrolling for the pane and content regions. Useful for responsive list/detail patterns, when an item in the pane updates the page content on selection. |
StateLabel | Alpha | |
StyledOcticon | Alpha | Use StyledOcticon to render an Octicon as a component. |
SubNav | Alpha | |
TabNav | Alpha | |
Text | Alpha | |
Textarea | Alpha | Use Textarea for multi-line text input form fields |
TextInput | Alpha | |
TextInputWithTokens | Alpha | Used to show multiple values in one field |
Timeline | Alpha | |
ToggleSwitch | Alpha | Toggles a setting on or off, and immediately saves the change |
Token | Alpha | A Token represents a piece of data. They are typically used to show a collection of related attributes. |
Tooltip | Alpha | |
Truncate | Alpha | |
UnderlineNav | Alpha | |
UnderlineNav v2 | Draft | Use an underlined nav to allow tab like navigation with overflow behaviour in your UI. |